
Monday, July 22, 2013

Fourth domain for a new form of life

The famous anecdote "On board the space station discovered a giant virus that infected Soviet cosmonaut" may be not so absurd: Biologists have discovered a virus of such size that they have no right to believe in it.

Initially called it simply - NLF, a new form of life (New Life Form). Strange body, a dedicated French microbiologist from sea water samples, pick up off the coast of Chile, infects the simplest - amoebas. Soon, the same body showed up and in Australia.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Student Engineers Spark Zero-Gravity Fires on Weightless Wild Ride

Gravity, we have defied you. Seven university student teams from across the United States escaped the pull of Earth's gravity — if only for a few seconds — on a NASA microgravity flight to see how fire, liquids and magnets behave in weightlessness.

The students flew with NASA's Microgravity University Program Friday (July 19) aboard a Zero Gravity Corporation Boeing 727 jet modified to fly up and down on a parabolic path to create up to 30 seconds of zero gravity, moon gravity or Martian gravity on the downswing followed by periods of "hypergravity" (twice Earth's pull) on the way back up.

How to Survive a Lightning Strike

There's a club open to people from all around the world, but you wouldn't want to join: The club is exclusively for people who've survived a lightning strike.

Lightning strikes kill about 24,000 people worldwide each year, and about 240,000 people are injured by lightning and survive.