
Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hubble peered into the history of galaxies

This picture was taken with the Hubble Space Telescope agency NASA and ESA. It shows the dwarf galaxy NGC 1140 is located 60 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Eridanus. As seen in this image, the galaxy NGC 1140 has an irregular shape, like the Large Magellanic Cloud - a small galaxy is a satellite of the Milky Way

A Close Look at the young cosmos

Astronomers for the first time a more detailed look at the development time of normal galaxies succeeded. Observations of an international team of researchers with the radio telescope ALMA plant in the Chilean Atacama Desert show fresh cool gas from which new stars can form, apart from the central region of a young galaxy

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Life on Mars may be hiding in Opals

The research team from the University of Glasgow had physical evidence that could help find life on the Red Planet.  Scientists have discovered that the Martian meteorite that fell near the Egyptian village of Nahla in 1911, contains traces of opal - precious stones, often used in jewelry. Material for the study provided the Museum of Natural History in London.