
Thursday, July 30, 2015

What are the limits of human vision?

From observations of distant galaxies light years from us to the perception of invisible colors, Adam Hedheyzi on BBC explains why your eyes can do incredible things. Take a look around. What do you see? All these colors, the walls, the windows, everything seems obvious, as it should be here. The idea that we all see it because the particles of light - photons - that bounce off of objects and fall into human vision, it seems incredible.

What happens to a person without a Spacesuit in Space

Imagine you were thrown out of the space station airlock without a spacesuit. You can panic and desperately trying to escape. How much time do you have to find the source of air and atmospheric pressure needed? Spoiler: very little. But more than you think.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Scientists mission OSIRIS-REx hope to find organic asteroid Bennu

In September 2016, NASA plans to launch a spacecraft returned to study the asteroid. This mission will help scientists better understand the composition of asteroids, their origins aspacecraft nd perhaps even the origin of the Earth. The mission OSIRIS-REx (Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer) will allow lifting the veil of secrecy over the history of the formation of the Sun and planets.