
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Archaeologists have discover the tomb of Queen of the Maya

In Guatemala, archaeologists during the quarry of the ancient Mayan city accidentally discovered the tomb of the Queen. At the interment site found many items of historical value, various vessels, ornaments, plaster images of rulers and the queen herself at a young age.

The tomb containing the remains of the Mayan Queen Kalomte cable discovered by archaeologists on excavations in Guatemala, Latin American broadcast media.

One of the authors finds archaeologist David Frayldel said it was the first ruler belonged to the highest aristocracy Maya, whose name has been precisely set. He said the opening of the tomb of the most important in his 43-year career, associated with excavations in Guatemala, Mexico and Belize.

The tomb is a sacred place for the Maya, the most important temple of the ancient city, where people were digging, and said archaeologist. Moreover, it was discovered almost by accident. Scientists have noticed a subsidence in a large grand staircase of the temple, and decided that inside can be blank.

At the burial site found many items of historical value, various vessels, ornaments, plaster images of rulers and the queen herself at a young age.

According to scientists, died Kalomte cable as an adult woman and in her life is in the end the 600 and early 700's AD.

Maya - a civilization that existed in what is now Mexico and Central America. She is known for her writing, art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Most cities have reached the peak of civilization in the years 250-900 AD By the time of the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors civilization was in a tailspin.

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