Draconid meteor shower
on Monday to reach peak activity, although this time, astronomers do not expect
a "star storm" as last year, but it is possible that this meteor
shower will present scientists surprises. Meteors occur when the atmosphere and
there are burn microscopic dust particles. Meteor streams or Star rain
associated with the passage of the Earth through the dust, who reserves the
Draconid meteor shower
on Monday to reach peak activity, although this time, astronomers do not expect
a "star storm" as last year, but it is possible that this meteor
shower will present scientists surprises.
Meteors occur when the
atmosphere and there are burn microscopic dust particles. Meteor streams or
Star rain associated with the passage of the Earth through the dust, who reserves
the comet. The name Draconid stream received in connection with the fact that
from the point of view of the ground observer shooting stars flying out of the
constellation Draco. Its "parent" is the comet Dzhakobini-Zinner
(21P/Giacobini-Zinner), opened in 1900.
According to the
International Meteor Organization, the period of Draconid this year - from 6 to
10 October, with peak activity should come to 16.15 MSK on October 8.
Astronomers say that this year the Moon, which is in phase last quarter, will
not interfere with the observations as much as in 2011.
Draconid known for
their "fickle-minded" - in some years the number of shooting stars at
the peak of activity is around 10-20 per hour, but sometimes it reaches 700-800
meteors per hour. Thus, in 2011, the number of meteors in the maximum reached
800 per hour.
Star storms astronomers
recorded in those years when the comet Dzhakobini-Zinner passed perihelion -
the closest point to the Sun's orbit. This year, the star of the storm is not expected;
however, it is possible that there may be outbursts.
Draconid meteors are
relatively slow - about 20 kilometers per second, so they can be easily
distinguished from the other meteor streams.
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