
Saturday, October 20, 2012

Radio telescope ALMA during the study of the interstellar gas

With the newest radio telescope ALMA, the researchers propose to open a whole new era in decode the chemical universe. Research group that works with the radio telescope has already established incredible ability ALMA during the study of the interstellar gas, which is in the constellation of Orion.

Molecule, while in space, vibrate and rotate, with each of them has its own unique "signature." Each time a molecule changes its state, by absorption or excretion huge amounts of energy, which can "see" in the form of electromagnetic radiation.

Due to its special features, the radio telescope ALMA gives scientists previously unavailable to them enough speed to study large areas of the sky, while defining the chemical composition of even the most remote corners of the cosmos. Precisely because of this, became available for research that was previously simply not possible from due to its complexity.

For instance, the example of studies of gas-dust clouds. Which is located in the constellation of Orion, the scientists were able to accurately analyze the region of star formation, where the stars are actively forming of the available gas and dust, while creating entire star system. The goal of the first test the capabilities of the telescope ALMA, was taken to the search space of traces of ethyl cyanide, the formula of which is CH3CH2CN. This material has been repeatedly found, and it is an ideal test sample for what would analyze the quality and speed of this new astronomical tool. Spectral lines, which have been given a telescope ALMA, fully confirmed the presence of the desired substance in a given region of space, in particular the specific molecules corresponding ethyl cyanide. Thus, scientists have confirmed the suitability of this telescope as a new and very powerful astronomical telescope, which is able to carry out chemical spectral analysis of the most remote regions of space.

Himself being completed ALMA telescope in the Atacama Desert, which is located in northern Chile, is he will be at an altitude of 5000 meters above sea level. Once in 2013, will be completed 66 high-precision antennas, advanced capabilities of this telescope will be able to open to scientists for more than impressive prospects for the study of the universe, using the range of the infrared and very long waves.

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