
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Scientists are confused about topic of Global Warming

Scientists are confused about the predictions of the apocalypse while some experts promise to hide the carbon dioxide into the ground, the other frightening collapse of the power system topic of global warming and the related phenomenon of threats continues to occupy the minds of scientists, with no time to receive one prediction, 

as there is another group of specialists performs with his denial. Swedish scientists said yesterday that no dangerous climate change will happen, and everything will be. 

Almost instantly their American counterparts concluded that the warming will still, and such that lead to the collapse of the energy system. Swedish experts have assured that global warming can be reversed, if you learn how to save energy, the burning of trees and crops. Moreover, in their view, it is necessary to actively develop and implement technology that allows you to "capture" and store carbon dioxide underground, writes 

The Guardian. Meanwhile, experts from the U.S. Department of Energy set up a far less optimistic and argue that the imminent global warming on Earth actually destroy the power grid, according to The New York Times. Drought and heat will lead to the emergence of powerful storms and rising sea levels, experts believe. Power outages caused by the devastating hurricane "Sandy" seem "of children's fairy tale," they conclude. 

End of June, Japanese scientists have come to the conclusion that in the Northern Hemisphere since 2015, a period of cooling. These data experts have analyzed the temperature of the water in the oceans over the past 50 years. A little earlier, President Barack Obama unveiled a new plan to combat climate change. The main provisions are as follows: Washington will impose strict limits on carbon emissions for power plants, and for both new and existing. Such measures will be taken for the first time in the history of the country.

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