
Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Universe. Show all posts

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Infrared Astronomy

The technical approaching of Spitzer is attached in four basic physical values that define the importance of IR in the investigation of astrophysical phenomena. The infrared region is part of the electromagnetic spectrum and ranges from 1 micron (near infrared) to 200 microns (far infrared). Human eyes are only sensitive to light between 0.4 and 0.7 microns.
Infrared observations expose cool state of matter.
Solid objects in space - from the size of a grain of interstellar dust (less than a micron) to the giant planets - have temperatures ranging from 3 to 1500 degrees Kelvin (K). 

Thursday, May 31, 2012

The exact position of the Planet to the Sun

On this planet, it is simply amazing to see how science is discovering data that speak of the exquisite precision of the physical and chemical laws that allow life to flourish.
Since the force of gravity, the constant expansion of the universe, the exact position of the planet to the sun, the same power of the sun, the moon brings balance, placement in an exclusive space of the galaxy ... are evidence that an intelligent force as decided and well designed. And that any variation in some of these constants, however small, would make life impossible and even the existence of chemical elements.
Remember “Our ability to make discoveries is not coincidental but points to a latent purpose. The universe has been designed to be discovered."
We find God, by doing science,
May God bless ours?