
Friday, September 14, 2012

End of mission for Kounotori 3

This morning at approximately 5:30 UTC the third space freighter H-II of the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency ended its mission decayed in the atmosphere, as planned.

He had docked to the International Space Station since last July 27.

The boundary of the solar system resists the Voyager 1

A study by Johns Hopkins University of Maryland (USA) completed that the probe Voyager 1, launched on September 5, 1977, is as close to the heliopause (the boundary where the solar wind disappears and begins the interstellar medium ) as scientists believed.

Voyager 1 is now in the heliosheath, the region anterior to the heliopause, where the solar wind slows and begins to show the effects of the interstellar medium.

Neil Armstrong and Lunar Module on a postcard collection

Of all the details that NASA visualize for the first moon landing in history that of the shooting was in the background. There are few photos that Armstrong, the first man on the moon, can be seen. Fortunately people like Tom Dahl who used various shots of the lunar activity conducted by Armstrong and Aldrin, to compose this spectacular panorama. Based on a very limited artwork has achieved a truly impressive result, which captures the immense and desolate lunar surface and placed in a marginal but visible, the shadow of who was the first human to walk on the soil.