
Monday, November 5, 2012

Lord of ethylene storm

Megashtorma force on Saturn enough to pulverize the Earth

In 2010, astronomers have marked the beginning of a massive vortex of Saturn, which is a tight ring surrounded the planet. He was the largest of the stratospheric vortex ever discovered in the solar system.

Giant satellite tracking station ESA ready for opening

One of the most complex in the world stations for satellite tracking, preparing for his discovery in Malargue, Argentina, 1,000 kilometers from Buenos Aires. The new station will afford dependable communications with missions traveling through the solar system in the hundreds of millions of miles from Earth.

The new station of the European Space Agency (ESA), located near the town of Malargue, Mendoza province, after its opening, will join the work of the existing stations located in Spain and Australia.

Curiosity rover sent to Earth a self-portrait

Curiosity, which is already three months traveling on the Red Planet, sent to Earth is a typical tourist photo - self-portrait in a landscape. There you can see the Martian sky, sandy valley and the mountain range of the crater Gale. The question is - who is shooting?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scientists have recorded the disintegration of a comet Hergenrother/168P

Comet Hergenrother/168P recently entered the inner solar system. As amateur astronomers and professionals similar were watching a giant ball of ice and dirt for the past several weeks of intensive matter emitted from large portions of the comet dust. We now know that the comet Hergenrother/168P disintegrated.

A new type of quantum matter with crystal properties

Using laser beams, scientists have created a new type of quantum matter with crystalline properties.

How insanely expensive diamonds, and quite affordable graphite composed of atoms of the same element - carbon. Fine - but significantly affects the properties of these substances and their value - the difference between the two materials is the geometry of packing of atoms. In this case, the same substance can be both graphite and diamond. In the normal world ... But in the quantum world have its own laws.

"Guardian of the weather"

The first of a series of satellites of the Small satellites NASA's Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer, or SAMPEX, was launched on July 3, 1992 for the study of the host range of the subdivision surrounding the Earth, and acting on them cosmic rays. Lived much longer than suggested by its planned mission length of three years, and always provided all its life valuable information professionals Space Weather Mission SAMPEX now close to completion.

Mystery of the fourth planet

50 years ago, November 1, 1962

The Soviet space station...

Mars is on the border of the so-called "habitable zone" - the climatic conditions on the planet Earth is much harder, but still acceptable for organic life forms. Summer on the equator at noon the temperature is +20 ° C, the long winter it can drop below minus 140 ° C - twice colder very middle of winter in Antarctica.