
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Scientists found ancient tools that were used 70 thousand years ago

Total found 27 microlites whose length does not exceed three inches. Scientists have found that they were used 71,000 years ago.

In the south of the continent near the town of Mossel Bay is a lot of caves that were once inhabited the prehistoric man. This place is studied by anthropologists in 2000 and is known as Pinnacle Point. Scientists believe that there is hidden a lot of traces of Homo sapiens, so there is under active exploration.

Discovered a planet potentially suitable for life

The planet HD 40307g not too cold and not too hot. The planet rotates on its axis, and this implies the change of day and night, making conditions on it even more similar to Earth.

Scientists have discovered at a distance of 42 light years of our solar system in the constellation Pectoris, a planet whose climate may be suitable for life, writes The Independent.

The planet, called HD 40307g, is from its sun is at such a distance that could exist on the surface of liquid water. The orbit of the planet lies in the so-called Goldilocks zone, that is, at a distance, where the temperature is not too high and not too low to sustain life, wrote the correspondent.

NASA to build a base on the Moon

Station NASA, which is planning to build on the back side of the moon, will not only have to observe the solar system, but also provide a flight to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, and later - to Mars.

 The National Agency for Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) plans to build a base for the other side of the natural satellite of the Earth - the Moon.