
Sunday, November 18, 2012

An amateur astronomer rediscovers an asteroid 'lost'

Between September and October 2008 was observed 2008SE85 potentially hazardous asteroid, but has since lost his track. Until now, when a German amateur observer has re-locate it from an ESA station.

2008SE85 asteroid's orbit. Credit: ESA / E. Schwab.
Although not a threat to Earth in the short term, the German amateur astronomer Erwin Schwab has ever seen an asteroid labeled 'potentially dangerous'.

The Ocean of Storms, explained

The largest impact basins on the Moon in the visible side (left) and hidden (right). Credit: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

The largest dark spot the moon, known as the Ocean of Storms ("Oceanus Procellarum"), has about 3,000 kilometers in diameter and can be a huge scar cosmic impact, researchers say.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Curiosity found on Mars, radiation is not dangerous for humans

Radiation levels on the surface of the Red Planet is equivalent to environment radiation in low Earth orbit, NASA discovered Martian rover Curiosity.

The first measurements of radiation levels - the first held on the surface of another planet - can cheer those who want to see how once on Mars for the first time set foot on the person: Curiosity rover found that people may well spend some time on the surface of the Red Planet.