
Monday, December 3, 2012

NASA confirms that there is organic material on Mars

NASA has confirmed that there is organic material on Mars and has indicated that it "misinterpreted" the words of the mission's principal investigator Curiosity, John Grotzinger, who last week claimed that the U.S. space agency had an announcement "that would change the books of history.” Grotzinger himself has said that the media "misunderstood" his words.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Liquefy glaciers has accelerated threefold

Approximate fifty leading experts on climate science in the world have studied the thaw out of polar ice, which is the main reason for the increase in water level in the oceans. Space satellites have helped researchers identify how decline in volume of glaciers in the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica. It turned out that the glaciers are melting three times faster than a couple of decades ago.

Galactic hobbits

What do we know about galaxies, Hobbits, and why they have such a peculiar name?

The name "hobbit galaxies" ("hobbit galaxy") - this is quite a new term used to describe galaxies that are smaller and dimmer than the dwarf galaxies. By the number of stars that inhabit such galaxies (hundreds of thousands of stars), these objects occupy an intermediate position between dwarf galaxies and star clusters.