
Monday, July 15, 2013

Discover the oldest lunar calendar in a field of Aberdeen shire

UK archaeologists have discovered the oldest lunar calendar, found so far, in a field of Aberdeen shire (Scotland). The yearbook is a series of 12 holes that appear to mimic the phases of the moon and the lunar months and is believed chosen about 10,000 years old.

Excavations at the site began a decade ago and the first hole was discovered in 2004. 

Scientists working in Event Horizon Telescope that will see a black hole in detail

An international team of scientists working on the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) that can combines observations from telescopes around the world (United States, Mexico, Chile, France, Greenland and the South Pole) to see for the first time, to detail, a black hole.

Black holes are invisible to the human eye, 

The NASA Mars rover launch in 2020

A team of scientists and engineers shared some characteristics and the NASA rover sent to Mars in 2020 should look for signs of past life, collect samples for probable arrival to Earth, and test technology for future human exploration of the Red Planet, along with a new statement from the U.S. space agency.

Large sunspot group

In the Academy of Sciences astro photographers circle he was not previously active, even more warmly now our "Welcome". On 7 July this year, he managed the mosaic of an interesting area to a large sunspot group (AR 1785). He used a Meade Refractor (ED 152 mm with 3x Barlow lens) and as a DMK camera 21AU618.AS. At 3657 mm effective focal length (aperture 24) the frames of the video sequence were exposed to 0.2 ms. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Great Wall of China is not can be seen from space

One of the most popular spatial myths is that the Great Wall is the only man that can be seen from space. Well, not true. The reality is you cannot easily see the Great Wall from low Earth orbit to the naked eye. And rightly the Apollo astronauts could not see it from the moon, despite the urban legend has spread widely.

Sun's 2013 Solar Activity Peak Is Weakest in 100 Years

Though the sun is currently in the peak year of its 11-year solar weather cycle, our closest star has been rather quiet over all, scientists say.

This year's solar maximum is shaping up to be the weakest in 100 years and the next one could be even more quiescent, scientists said Thursday (July 11).

SUNNY TAIL: 3D quatrefoil

In the solar system is the tail of the solar wind particles, resembling the tail of a comet. To verify the existence of this tail, and determine its structure, scientists were able, after analyzing data collected over three years, the spacecraft NASA IBEX.