
Thursday, July 25, 2013

The new film Gravity will talk about dizzying disaster ... in orbit!

If you have ever been a witness or, God forbid, any member of a transport accident, you know that even minor accidents can result in severe and terrible consequences.

Desperate to regain control over their own movements, at this point you may feel that this is not possible, 

Shed light on the brightest objects in the universe

The Dartmouth team of astrophysicists discovered the extent to which the quasars and black holes can influence their own galaxy.

The team plans to publish an article in Astrophysical Journal, which details made ​​the discovery and research based on the constant lookout for 10yu quasars. Researchers have documented enormous capacity for radiation from quasars, which reach for many thousands of light-years distant, even beyond their own galaxies.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Mayan Discovery: Ancient Monument Reveals Royal Struggle

A nearly 1,500-year-old Mayan stone monument, inscribed with a story of an ancient power struggle, has been unearthed in Guatemala.

The stone slab, which dates to A.D. 564, was found in a small tunnel that adjoins the tomb of an ancient queen beneath the Mayan temple at the site of El Peru-Waka'.