
Monday, May 28, 2012

Tyco crater on the Moon

The Moon is still a goal for NASA; on June 10 last the satellite NASA Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter was able to take this dramatic image thanks to its steep orbital angle of 65 °. The image is the central peak of the crater Tyco in the southern hemisphere of the Moon.Tyco is a place known to fans as it is one of the most outstanding places on the Moon. It is located at latitude 43.37 ° S, 348.68 ° E, and has about 82 kilometers in diameter.
The height of its central peak in the image above rises 2 km above the crater floor and the distance between the bases and is 4.7 km Comber.
The complex central peak of Tyco crater is about 15 km long and is easily visible with a backyard telescope. 

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