
Sunday, September 2, 2012

Superbright Secrets: Germ magnetar

Astronomers continue to fight over the mystery superbright supernova. Supernovae can suddenly shine brighter entire galaxy - in fact in this outbreak are killed biggest stars. There are two types of supernovae. First appear, when one of the stars of the binary system begins to pull stuff from a neighbor, and eventually gaining critical mass.
Second direct from the biggest stars, almost infinite reservoir of fuel to continue thermonuclear reaction from the collapse of its core, hot and rich in heavy elements. It is a type II supernova explosions show extraordinary strength, power ... and beauty.

However, over the past few years have seen several cases in which supernovae have been another couple of orders of magnitude brighter and more powerful than others. They are so far recorded in a separate group of "super-bright supernova» (Super-Luminous Supernovas, SLSN), though now we see that they themselves are divided into three separate groups - and only one of them at least we can roughly describe the mechanism of development events.

This is very rare group superbright supernova, named SLSN-R, fueled by radioactive processes. It is thought that creates the core of their collapse logged the biggest stars, rich radioactive isotope of nickel stocks in times greater than the mass of the Sun. Decays, it emits gamma radiation and produces a particle of antimatter, which is, after all, an explosion and flash.

On the other hand, it is unclear how and why these stars are so impressive stock of radioactive nickel. He may have formed during the collapse of a massive star's core especially. Perhaps it is a product of fusion reactions involving oxygen flowing in the biggest stars.
More often possible to observe superbright supernova another type of hydrogenation SLSN-II. They are, as far as we know, are generated by the stars with a particularly thick outer hydrogen envelope, so dense that significantly block the light of stars (and difficult to observe them until the very moment when the supernova was not "came shooting"). Trigger, triggering an explosion in this case is the appearance of a number of the black hole or magnetar - a word, a body powerful enough to dramatically intervene in the life of the hydrogen to "cover" the star. In short, as the Israeli astronomer Avishay Gal-Yam (Avishay Gal-Yam), «it is technically a type II supernova, but does not arise from a red supergiant, as all of them, and some of the other stars."

But the brightest super bright supernovae are poor hydrogen SLSN-I. That is the origin and essence remains a complete mystery. There is a hypothesis that generates their stars, "swollen" to incredible size, ten times bigger than our sun. Deprived of the hydrogen envelope, such stars shine especially brightly. This possibility can be described at least in theory, and suggested that the Gal-Yam and his colleagues.

According to them, the source SLSN-I can serve as Star Wolf - Rayet star, a very high temperature and luminosity. During the collapse of the core of such a star in it can form a young magnetar , a neutron star, a rapidly spinning and having incredibly powerful magnetic field. This embryo pumps crumbling energy star, causing the appearance of the supernova brightness and incredible strength.

This scheme of events, however, remains purely hypothetical. The authors themselves note that ambiguity here begin with the first step - for example, remains unknown whether the neutron star, just born in the core of a dying star Wolf - Rayet stars, rotate fast enough to give the process the required amount of energy.

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