
Showing posts with label Bowels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bowels. Show all posts

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Searching from space in the bowels of the Earth

The ESA astronaut Andre Kuipers of creature approved out an research on the ISS that will shed light on conditions in the depths of our planet. In orbit about 400 km height, Geoflow help us understand how the Earth works inside. Extend to a depth of almost 3000 km; the layer is composed of semi-solid materials graceful slowly under the thin outer shell. For study, it is considered that the mantle is divided into several layers of different viscosity as a result of increased pressure and temperature with depth.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Mercury appears to be less mountainous than the Moon and Mars

According to an article published in the journal Science, Mercury appears to be less mountainous than the Moon and Mars and the bowels of the planet from the Sun, with deep reserves of iron sulfide, are very different from the others in our system. The publication includes two studies from the information sent by the spacecraft "Messenger" a year ago became the first artificial satellite of Mercury and has been making observations of the topography and gravitational field in the northern hemisphere .