
Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Sun is currently in an active phase of its 11-year weather cycle

On April 16, from NASA's SDO orbit observation record, a spectacular explosion in the solar corona and captured their images. Astrophysicists consider it the most ostentatious eruption since the launching of this probe, which specializes in solar activity, in February 2010.
The NASA said in a statement that the plasma current caused no threat to Earth, since it is directed in another direction. Furthermore, the magnitude of the flames the solar storm has been blamed on the middle class (M1) and is not the most powerful so far in 2012. However, the turn to the left in the captured images only more impressive visual effect, allow scientists.

The United States could be causing the increase in the number of earthquakes

The dramatic increase in oil and gas in the United States could be causing the increase in the number of earthquakes in that country.According to the conclusion of an investigation by the U.S. Geological Survey, the number of earthquakes has increased six times. In just three years, increased the number of earthquakes from 50 in 2009 to 134 in 2011.
Experts say some tremors may be caused by the hydraulic fracturing method. This involves injecting a fluid mixture into the ground to cause the release of natural gas, or oil .

The exact position of the Planet to the Sun

On this planet, it is simply amazing to see how science is discovering data that speak of the exquisite precision of the physical and chemical laws that allow life to flourish.
Since the force of gravity, the constant expansion of the universe, the exact position of the planet to the sun, the same power of the sun, the moon brings balance, placement in an exclusive space of the galaxy ... are evidence that an intelligent force as decided and well designed. And that any variation in some of these constants, however small, would make life impossible and even the existence of chemical elements.
Remember “Our ability to make discoveries is not coincidental but points to a latent purpose. The universe has been designed to be discovered."
We find God, by doing science,
May God bless ours?