
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Galaxies eat each other, not to die

The information galaxies eat each other, known to astronomers for a long time. Scientists for years to collect evidence of such a “galactic cannibalism”, and a neat coil, located inside the nearby elliptical galaxies, are yet another indication that such processes are very common in the universe.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

X-ray telescope of the new generation is ready to run

Those who love to watch the sun, usually pay attention mainly to large outburst and tarnish on it. But on our star and events are smaller, so-called nanovspyshki. To observe these events in the coming days, in early November, will start a new NASA space telescope named FOXSI (Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager).

The telescope will be located in the meteorological rocket, and his journey takes about 6 minutes, during which he will have to see nanovspyshki as possible.

Titan glows in the dark

Picture of the largest of Saturn's Titan, made ​​by NASA's Cassini spacecraft in the dark, showed a mysterious glow of Titan's atmosphere.

If you were standing on the surface of Titan, you would not notice this glow, as his power is only a few millionths of a watt. The scientists were able to fix this weak light with a camera apparatus Cassini, allowing you to take pictures with a long exposure.

Mountains Nereid indicate "glacial past" Mars

High-resolution stereo camera orbiting Mars the Mars Express took pictures of the mountain range of Nereid at a distance of almost 380 kilometers north-east of the crater Hook.

Affects its magnificence mountainous terrain surrounding the Nereids, stretched along the northern edge of the basin Argir, one of the largest shock depressions on Mars.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Life is to be found where there is an asteroid belt

Rebecca Martin of the University of Colorado at Boulder, and Mario Livio of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, developed a rather wasteful theory suggests that, for the formation of life on Earth in the solar system should positively be an asteroid belt, and stringently, where it is now.

Observations exoplanetary systems show that the so-called warm dust, which, apparently, the result of asteroid is concentrated in areas close to the "snow line." This may be because it was her form giant planets; the light elements are not able to condense on the surface of a celestial body, whether it is closer to the Sun.

The future belongs to microbes

The last form of life on Earth would fall by 2.8 billion years, the sun burned dying - red giant. About a billion years before the only living things on the planet will remain single-celled organisms, hiding in isolated hot and salty waters.

This gloomy prognosis for life on Earth, but a ray of light for those who are looking for life on other planets. After thus renewed hope its discovery in places previously considered inhospitable.

"Diamond" planet is 40 light-years away in the constellation of Cancer

A group of American and French astronomers discovered a planet whose surface consists mainly of graphite and diamond.Which called 55 Cancri e, orbits the star, which is visible to the naked eye. It is located 40 light-years away in the constellation of Cancer.

The planet orbits the star so quickly that year it takes less than 18 hours.