
Saturday, August 3, 2013

The warped galaxy NGC 3718

Inspection of multicolored cosmic view shown above reveals a surprising number of galaxies in the Ursa Major. Some are close, some far away.

The galaxy is striking, no doubt, NGC 3718, the spiral is deformed toward the center of the image. Its spiral arms, which are distinguished numerous clusters of young, blue stars, appear to have been twisted and elongated (see picture at the bottom of the post). As to the central region of yellow bands are marked by dark powder.

Friday, August 2, 2013

NASA summarizes a year of Curiosity rover on Mars

NASA has released a video with a sequence of 548 images of two minutes in length showing all the work of Curiosity rover on Mars since its arrival on the planet, just a year ago.

Through a camera mounted on the front of this vehicle research, have been able to capture some of your most important moments in Mars as the moment you start to move around the planet as well as the collection of a sample of Martian rock .

The device Spitzer discovered young stars

Observing through Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers have discovered a young star system, which "flickers" every 3 months. The system, called YLW 16A, consists of three stars, two of which are surrounded by a disk of a certain matter that remains after the formation of stars.

Since the two inner stars circling around each other, 

SpaceX unveiled its new missile

Nine engines on the first stage of the new launcher created by U.S. Company SpaceX, Falcon 9 v1.1 are not located 3x3 grid, as modified v1.0, and a circle with one engine, which is located in the center.

Central rocket motor will produce a lead management work swing and roll missiles. 

Advanced telescope on Hawaii volcano

Work on the 30-meter telescope, the diameter of which is three times greater than the existing telescope, due to start in April 2014, an extinct volcano in the Hawaiian Mona Ki.

Studies using this telescope will enable astronomers to study the stars and other objects across the solar system, 

The Doppler Effect and long-planet

We are all familiar with the Doppler Effect, even if you do not know the term. Today, scientists have found an alternative explanation for the phenomenon when the sound or the light spinning object is scattered. This discovery could help astronomers to measure the rotation of the planet, or even improve the performance of wind turbines.

Here is what the principle of the Doppler Effect: when the object emitting the noise is moving towards its sound waves converge together and produce a higher frequency. Conversely, when the subject moves away, the sound waves are scattered. The faster the object moves, the sharper the frequency difference.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse: Just Do the Math

This equation could spell your doom: (bN)(S/N)Z = bSZ. That is, if you ever found yourself in the midst of a zombie pandemic.

That's because the calculation describes the rate of zombie transmission, from one walking dead individual to many, according to its creators, Robert J. Smith?, a mathematics professor at the University of Ottawa who spells his name with a "?" at the end, and his students.