
Saturday, July 25, 2015

If water leaves from the Planet- will like the Earth to Mars

The two closest to the Earth planet - Mars and Venus - once had vast oceans, extending over many millions of square kilometers. But all the planets with liquid water on the surface is very fragile. Venus could not keep their oceans, and they vanished into space. Recently we learned that Mars lost most of their water, then it turned into a dry and cold desert.

What happens if you fly through the Earth?

The Funniest part of theoretical physics is that you can ask a stupid question and get your answer (sometimes too stupid). For example, what if you drilled a hole through the center of the Earth and leap through it? "Who could do such a stupid thing to do?" - You ask. Apparently no one. Such an act will kill you very sophisticated and split the millions of times. Let's assume that some brave soul ventured into it for the sake of science? What can happen, theoretically?

10 Mysteries of the solar system, which are confusing our best scientists

Even if we have already told you about the mysteries of our solar system, here , here and here , they are innumerable, and we are back, taking in his arms even more mysterious sights and features that confuse our scientists. Sometimes they even incite conspiracy theories, and it adds even more fuel to the fire.

Mysterious "sounds" in space
The video above presents five mysterious "sounds" of the cosmos, three of which, of course, occurred in our solar system.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

NASA probe discovers the 'heart' of Pluto

New Horizons spacecraft gets closer and closer to Pluto and as it does capture historical images. One of the last photographs revealed a nearly perfect heart on the surface of the dwarf planet. It will also catch a few bright spots that can be icecaps.

Destination Pluto: A land ship approaches the confines of the Solar System

Discovered in 1930, we now know that Pluto is the brightest numerous swarm of small bodies that, as a second asteroid belt orbiting the sun beyond the planets. Are so far we know very little about them.
We know they are mostly ice, which are more like comets, asteroids and many short-period comets come from there. You will craters? Will rings? Will rivers of neon, nitrogen geysers? Will one meteorology, polar caps, cryovolcanoes, underground seas?