
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

New names of the moons of Pluto fourth and fifth

The fourth and fifth moon of Pluto was officially called by popular vote Kerberos and Styx, respectively, said today the International Astronomical Union (IAU).

The moons, discovered in 2011 and 2012 were known at first as P4 and P5, but the team leader responsible for the discovery, made by Hubble telescope observations from NASA, decided to organize a contest to baptize.

Large Antarctic Crater Created by Underground Flood

The buried lakes under Antarctica's ice cap can unleash massive floods, just like glacial lakes on land, scientists are starting to realize. One recent deluge sent as much water as is in Scotland's Loch Ness flowing under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet, near the Cook Ice Shelf, a new study reports.

Nearly 380 lakes have been discovered under Antarctica's ice

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Remember - Curiosity writes an space history

It centimeter big hole Curiosity robot on Mars has drilled. This is the first time ever that there has been a hole of a robot on; another planet than Earth. Now we're halfway through 2013 and the next two weeks we take a look back at some of the most exciting Astronomy news we sent out this year.

The original article was from 11th February.

Landing platform Mighty Eagle gets ready to land on the asteroid

Robotic landing platform NASA Lander Prototype, which is the working title Mighty Eagle, which literally means "mighty eagle", has entered a new, more active phase of the trial.

The first flight of a series of new tests lander was made in early August. Now, however, began a more intensive testing of the device directly at the Center Marshall Space Flight Center, which is located in Huntsville, Alabama.

At the rover Curiosity damaged wind sensor

NASA experts reported the first problem that has arisen with the Mars rover Curiosity. Specifically the problem is that the rover is damaged wind sensor on one of the masts. According to the assertions of experts NASA, this damage will not significantly affect the operation of the rover as a whole as only able to reduce the accuracy of some of the measurements, but the same cannot eliminate them completely.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Mars rover Opportunity is preparing to climb the steep hill

NASA's Mars rover Opportunity, whose age is almost 10 years old, well on its way south toward the place where he first have to climb a very steep hill called Solander Point, in order to continue their search for further evidence of the presence on the Red Planet conditions suitable habitat for life forms.

Space telescopes will print for the asteroids to 3-D printers

Technology 3-D printing can help them raise up the industry, coupled with the development of asteroids.

Funded multibillionaires company for mining, called Planetary Resources merged with the company 3D Systems, whose technology 3-D printing can help in the manufacture of components of a series of future spacecraft Arkyd, the company announced on Wednesday, June 26.