
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A new way to transfer data to observatories - Laser bond

Recently open a new optical laser ground station in Spain on the island of Tenerife. Enhanced laser system requires a significantly higher speed and quality of the data in the interaction with spacecraft located outside our solar system. This system is ready for operation after a series of crucial tests on the ground.

Laser system, which transmits data in the infrared, can open the door to the future in the field of reception of large amounts of information received from the spacecraft from Earth orbit, and the orbit of Mars and other more distant planets.

Parade of the three planets

During these three days, in the clear sky you can see the "parade of three planets" that are low in the north-eastern part of the sky.

Three bright planets are placed diagonally across the sky at this weekend's pre-dawn sky which is right at the top of Jupiter, in the middle of Mars and Mercury at the bottom left. In addition, the company they will be waning moon.

Monday, August 5, 2013

The formation of planetary systems

Researchers found that the planetary systems are moving around other stars, more organized than our system.  In fact, the way they are located, means that astronomers can use the old law to predict where new discoveries will be made.

More than 200 years ago, it was found that the distance between the planets of our solar system can be loosely described mathematical relation, now known as the "Titius - Bode." Since the law is not fully understood, many modern astronomers believe that the law - no more than a meaningless coincidence.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Today went to the ISS Japanese robot Kirobo

The current ISS crews eagerly await the arrival of an unusual member of the space expedition. Today, August 4, went into space the world's first talking robot Kirobo. This Japanese 34-inch robot was launched to orbit the International Space Station from the island of Tanegashima in using booster H-2B.

Known a new type of cosmic collision

The American space agency NASA was able to photograph the outer encounter that is fairly new to the rare species. Fix the collision of black holes and neutron stars orbiting telescope helped scientists "Hubble." A new type of cosmic collision or rather its product called "kilonova".

Picture of the phenomenon was obtained kilonova "Hubble" July 3, 2013. It is shown below.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter discovered "cemetery" of comets

Colombian province of astronomers from the University of Antioquia in Medellin, observing space objects found between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter cluster of comets, which over millions of years show no signs of activity.

However, as scientists believe, under certain conditions, "dormant" comets can "come alive".

Star leaves the galaxy like a cork bottle

Astronomers have discovered a super fast double star, which flies out of our galaxy at a speed of more than 800 kilometers per second.

Hyperspeed stars were first seen by people in the early 2000s: their speed relative to the center of the Galaxy reached 500 kilometers per second, and this rate was enough to "Get rid" of the star attraction of the system and go to a free intergalactic space.